Common Trading Bot Error
再給我們回報錯誤時 可以先去 Portfolio 看一下機器人 ID 並且提供你的 email
AuthenticationError: Invalid API key, IP, or permissions for the action
這個錯誤代表你的交易所 API 設定有錯誤 看這邊去確認 有給到對的權限 設置完後下一個動作就應該不會出錯
Error: amount 0 should be greater than 0.001
在跟單之前 量化策略已經開倉了 在平倉訊號來的時候 我們不會有倉位可以去平 所以錯誤說 『數量不行是 0』 - 這個錯誤不用做任合事 只需要等下次量化策略開單即可
ExchangeError: Order's position side does not match user's setting
這個錯誤代表你的交易所設定有錯誤 看這邊去確認
機器人啟動時會用 api 去交易所設定正確的設定:
- 倉位模式為雙向模式
- 該交易對的保證金模式為逐倉
- 該交易對的槓桿倍數為策略開發者指定的倍數
目前我們知道如果有其他倉位時調整槓桿,交易所可能回傳錯誤 然後設置失敗就會導致次錯誤
InvalidOrder: ReduceOnly Order is rejected
Got error while sending order to exchange. InvalidOrder: binance {"code":-2022,"msg":"ReduceOnly Order is rejected."}
A: Several reasons you might want to check for reduceOnly order rejection:
You don’t have any position to close
You’re at the edge of liquidation
You have other open orders that would be filled before the failed one and close all positions
A little bit explanation for #3 -
Let’s say your current position is 1 BTC for short; And you have an open order to close this BTC at 10000; If you place another order to close 1 BTC at 9999, it’d be rejected. (Because the order with 10000 for sure would be filled and close everything before this “9999” order )
If you still think you shouldn’t have been rejected after checking above things, please contact CS